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Renga Renga Lily 12 Plant Box

Renga Renga Lily 12 Plant Box

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12 PB2 Sized Renga Renga Lily Plants for $34.95 - super special

(PB2 size = 1.2 litre plastic container)

Variety: Arthropodium cirrarum

The rengarenga lily is a perennial herbaceous plant native to New Zealand. It produces clusters of white flowers on long stems and is often used in landscaping and as a cut flower. It is considered a significant plant because it has been traditionally used for weaving and its roots were used for medicinal purposes. 
They look stunning when planted in large groups. The closer together they are planted, the sooner you will achieve a mass-planted look.

They die off in winter and come back in spring.

Mature height 50cm x width 50cm.