If you improve the structure of your soil you could plant almost anything in your garden. I would recommend digging a soil conditioner, peat, compost and gypsum (all available from garden centres) through your soil to improve its structure.
The soil conditioner will adjust the condition of your clay and mean you could plant any of the annuals or perennials available at Awapuni Nurseries. Remember, when you replant your annuals you will need to re-condition your soil.
Read full articleOnce you have uncovered the stones, you will need to cover the area with organic compost, lime and gypsum due to the soil being 'sour'. When adding lime to your soil, remember that using too much could change your future planted hydrangeas pink. Make sure you use just enough to 'sweeten' the soil. The instructions on the back of the lime packet will advise you on quantity. For good results, scratch Nitrophoska Blue fertilizer into the soil around your plants.
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