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Awapuni nurseries grow radiata pine commercially and can handle huge volume orders fit for 10h to 100-hectare plantations. We still have a some radiata pine plants available right now. Please contact Henri at 021 340 300.  We are taking orders for radiata pine tree seedlings for 2025. 2024 orders - fully allocated. Please visit this page for more information.

Growing Radiata Pine

The Radiata pine is a towering, versatile conifer (up to 60 meters & up to 2-meter diameter), that is widely planted and seen in New Zealand forests.  It is a fast-growing, low-maintenance evergreen that is useful as timber.  Known for its strength, it can tolerate coastal to sub-alpine conditions. If not harvested for its timber, it can live for around 150 years.

Click here for comprehensive information on Growing Radiata Pine Commercially.