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Burning Questions

How do I get rid of white butterfly?

White butterfly are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Here are a few suggestions from Tod and Awapuni customers.

1 Hose off as many of the eggs, caterpillars and butterflies as you can from the plants. Then spray the affected plants with neem oil.

2 Cover the plants or garden completely with white netting from your local garden centre - the kind that covers but doesn't shade, which will also protect against birds.

3 Try a chilli and garlic spray to repel the white butterfly.

4 Plant French marigold (tagetes patula) and spray plants with seaweed spray.

5 Plant rhubarb or use a rhubarb and garlic spray

6 Use a robo can in hot houses

7 Lastly, send out an army of children with butterfly nets – if necessary pay 10 cents per butterfly!

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