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Rocket Seeds

Rocket Seeds

1 Each


Rocket Salad
Botanical Name: Eruca sativa

Quick and easy to grow, seedlings and sprouts make attractive year round garnish and toppings for salads, snacks or stir fries. Strong, spicy flavour with a little bit of heat and bite.

How To Grow
Thinly at fortnightly intervals for succession, in rows 12in (30cm) apart. Thin to 4in (10cm) between plants and use thinnings in the salad bowl. Keep moist, do not allow to dry out, this helps to prevent them running to seed.

When To Plant
All year as required.

All year as required.

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Important Note
These seeds are treated with a fungicide (Thiram or Apron XL), do not eat the seeds or feed them to animals. Fungicide treatment is an AQIS requirement for certain varieties of seeds. It does not affect your crops or harm insects such as bees.