Cottage Garden Mix Various Seeds
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Cottage Garden Mix
Botanical name: Matthiola incana, Papaver rhoeas, Ageratum houstonianum, Antirrhinum majus maximum tetraploid, Centaurea cyanus, Cosmos bipinnatus, Linaria maroccana, Nigella damascena.
Blended to achieve an old fashioned look, informal balance of heights and colours, easy to grow mix.
Includes many traditional favourites.
Plant Height: 30-90cm
How To Grow
Sow virtually year round avoiding the hottest and coldest months. The seeds can be scattered thinly or sown in the flowering position. Cover lightly with a seed raising mix, firm down and keep moist. Thin out as necessary. Choose a well drained soil and a sunny position. Flowers will appear after 8-14 weeks and continue over many months. Seedlings emerge 10-28 days. Use a mulch where possible to preserve moisture and deter weeds. Remove dead flower heads to prolong flowering.
When To Plant
All Year round.
8-14 weeks
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter