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Pansy Swiss Giants Mixed Seeds

Pansy Swiss Giants Mixed Seeds

1 Each


Pansy 'Swiss Giants Mixed'
Botanical Name: Viola x wittrockiana

The large, brilliantly coloured flowers in this mixture will give dazzling displays in borders, tubs and window boxes. A hardy perennial, flowers the same year from an early sowing. Grows well in sun or partial shade.

Plant Height: 15cm

How To Grow
Sow in flowering position, thin as necessary, and, in the case of Summer sowings, transplant to their flowering positions in Autumn, spacing 6-9in (12-20cm) apart. For protected sowings, sow in trays of seed compost. Just cover the seed, keep moist and at a temperature of 15-20C (60-68F). Germination will take 10-21 days. Thin (prick out) when seedlings have developed 2-4 leaves.

When To Plant
Autumn and early Winter

Spring to early Summer

Autumn, Winter