Swan River Daisy Summer Skies Seeds
Swan River Daisy Summer Skies
Botanical Name: Brachycome iberidifolia
Charming, sweet-scented flowers that give a superb display in beds, baskets, pots or window-boxes throughout summer. Native to many parts of Australia and an excellent bee and pollinator attracting flower. A half hardy annual, flowering the same year, preferring a sunny position.
Plant Height: 30cm
How To Grow
Sow in flowering position, thinning seedlings if necessary. Dead head to prolong flowering season. Alternatively, sow in pots or trays of seed compost. Maintain gentle warmth and keep compost moist, but not saturated. Thin (prick out) to other trays when seedlings are large enough to handle. Harden off before planting out when seedlings reach 5-10cm tall.
When To Plant
All year round as required
All year round as required
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter