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Gardening Guides

Lettuce Planting Guide

Lettuces can be grown, generally, all year round in New Zealand, thanks to its temperate climate in many of its regions.

5 Tips on Growing Amazing Lettuces

1. They love moist, well-draining soil.
2. Use great quality potting mix (or potting mix and garden mix combinations).
3. Use raised beds if you can (especially for younger plants).
4. They need regular watering. Water lightly, regularly for sweet-tasting leaves.
5. Overwatering causes waterlogging. This leads to possible root and leaf diseases.

Awapuni Nurseries offer over 10 varities of lettuces.

Lettuce Buttercrunch

Lettuce Drunken Woman

Lettuce Cos

Lettuce Baby Cos

Lettuce Great Lakes

Lettuce Iceberg

Lettuce Mesclun Mix

Lettuce Mix

Lettuce Red

Lettuce Triumph

Lettuce Tom Thumb

Lettuce Chinese

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