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Winter Roast Vege Salad

This salad is great for enjoying in winter (and any time of the year!) and is perfect as a complete meal or a side dish to your favourite meat at dinner time.

Any of the below vege but around four is a good number to start with:







Garlic (whole cloves)


Red onion

Olive oil

Salt & pepper

One or more of your favourite herbs - oregano, thyme and rosemary are all good options

Couscous (optional)

Rocket (optional)

Baby spinach leaves (optional)

Oil-based salad dressing

Feta cheese

Wash, peel and chop your veges into large bite-sized pieces. You can experiment with the way you cut the shapes to make up for less variety of veges. For example try cutting some of the carrots into one cm round shapes and the rest of the carrots into long chunky strips.

Add olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and sprinkle over your favourite fresh garden herb. Oregano, thyme and rosemary are all good options. Roast at around 170 deg C until cooked through (approx 45 min) and the vege edges are browning up.

If you're going to add couscous to the salad, start cooking it (as per the packet instructions) while the veges are roasting

Once the veg are cooked, leave to cool in the dish for 10 minutes. Then mix through with some cooked couscous or some fresh rocket or baby spinach leaves.

Finish with a dash of your favourite oil-based salad dressing and some crumbled feta cheese.